Thursday, August 15, 2013
Recently the American Dental Association did a survey to see if typical Americans knew some basic facts about dental health. here are some of the questions - play along and see how you do!
1) What type of bristles should you have on your toothbrush - soft, medium or hard?
Most people chose either medium or hard, but the fact is soft bristles are best! Medium or hard can actually damage your sensitive gum tissue and wear your teeth!
2) Sugar causes cavities - True or False?
Practically everyone answered "true" to this one, but the answer is actually "false!" But you may feel it's a trick question. Cavities are caused by bacteria, but the problem causing organisms feed on sugar that is stuck to your teeth! We recommend limiting sweets and soft drinks, especially the sticky kind!
3) Does The American Dental Association recommend brushing your teeth for sixty seconds after every meal, or for two minutes twice per day?
Again, most people got this one wrong! The ADA suggests twice per day for two minutes. Of course, if you want to throw in a few extra brushing sessions each day we won't object - especially before you come to visit us!
4) True or False - It is normal for your gums to bleed while brushing and flossing.
Okay - this one is a little scary. 35% of respondents answered "true" - but the answer is definitely false! Think about it - what would you do if your nose bled every time you sneezed, or your arm bled when you scratched it? Well, the same goes for your gums! Bleeding is a sign of gum disease and infection, and is certainly not normal or healthy!
So how did you do? Hopefully this little quiz was fun, and maybe you even learned something!
At DeLand Smiles, we are here to answer any questions you may have, no matter how basic! Give us a call at 386-736-7121 and we will be glad to help you - or to set up an appointment for a dental examination, cleaning, or to look at any dental problem you may be having, or even to brighten up your smile. Whatever it is - we can help!
Thursday, July 18, 2013

We all hear about foods that are bad for your teeth! Sticky sweets and sugar-laden sodas can wreak havoc with your pearly whites. But did you know there are also foods that are good for your teeth and gums? Here is a list of dentally healthy things to chomp on.
1) Cheese: Maybe there's a reason that when we "say cheese" it's time to smile! With high levels of phosphate and calcium, cheese promotes healthy teeth, balances the oral ph, and can destroy bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.
2) Dairy products: Other than cheese, milk and yogurt are rich in calcium and low in acidity - both positive things for your teeth and gums.
3) Green tea: This delicious drink is an anti-oxidant soup which prevents plaque from accumulating on your teeth, reducing cavities and bad breath. Just take it easy on the added sugar and honey!
4) Kiwi: Most fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, and eating them raw can give your gums a good healthy massage as well. Kiwis are exceptionally high in C, which can increase the collagen in your gums and make them stronger.
5) Onions: Sure - raw onions can make your breath pretty smelly. But the sulfur compounds that contribute to temporary bad breath also kill dangerous bacteria that harm the teeth. Brush, floss and rinse after you eat them, or better yet - make sure your kissing partner eats them too!
6) Celery: Eat plenty of celery and you may not have to stalk your dentist as much! Raw celery massages your gums, and can increase the production of healthy saliva.
7) Sesame seeds: These little wonders actually can scrape plaque from your teeth and are packed with tooth-strengthening calcium. The bleached white flour bagel they are often attached to - that's a different story.
8) Sweet potato: These beauties are loaded with Vitamin A, and are especially good for babies whose teeth are developing. An orange nose is an added bonus!
9) Shiitake mushrooms: Believe it or not, these tasty fungi often found in Asian foods contain a sugar that prevents plaque from forming on your teeth.
10) Water: There's a reason water is called "the gift of life," and you would be hard pressed to find a healthy foods list without it. Dentally speaking, water keeps your mouth hydrated, cleans and rinses your teeth and gums, stimulates saliva production, and can dislodge trapped food particles.
As great as these foods are, there is much more to healthy teeth and gums than loading up on celery, cheese and water! If it is time for your regular dental exemination and cleaning, or if you have any questions at all about your dental health, we are here for you! Please give us a call at 386-736-7121!
We all hear about foods that are bad for your teeth! Sticky sweets and sugar-laden sodas can wreak havoc with your pearly whites. But did you know there are also foods that are good for your teeth and gums? Here is a list of dentally healthy things to chomp on.
1) Cheese: Maybe there's a reason that when we "say cheese" it's time to smile! With high levels of phosphate and calcium, cheese promotes healthy teeth, balances the oral ph, and can destroy bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.
2) Dairy products: Other than cheese, milk and yogurt are rich in calcium and low in acidity - both positive things for your teeth and gums.
3) Green tea: This delicious drink is an anti-oxidant soup which prevents plaque from accumulating on your teeth, reducing cavities and bad breath. Just take it easy on the added sugar and honey!
4) Kiwi: Most fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, and eating them raw can give your gums a good healthy massage as well. Kiwis are exceptionally high in C, which can increase the collagen in your gums and make them stronger.
5) Onions: Sure - raw onions can make your breath pretty smelly. But the sulfur compounds that contribute to temporary bad breath also kill dangerous bacteria that harm the teeth. Brush, floss and rinse after you eat them, or better yet - make sure your kissing partner eats them too!
6) Celery: Eat plenty of celery and you may not have to stalk your dentist as much! Raw celery massages your gums, and can increase the production of healthy saliva.
7) Sesame seeds: These little wonders actually can scrape plaque from your teeth and are packed with tooth-strengthening calcium. The bleached white flour bagel they are often attached to - that's a different story.
8) Sweet potato: These beauties are loaded with Vitamin A, and are especially good for babies whose teeth are developing. An orange nose is an added bonus!
9) Shiitake mushrooms: Believe it or not, these tasty fungi often found in Asian foods contain a sugar that prevents plaque from forming on your teeth.
10) Water: There's a reason water is called "the gift of life," and you would be hard pressed to find a healthy foods list without it. Dentally speaking, water keeps your mouth hydrated, cleans and rinses your teeth and gums, stimulates saliva production, and can dislodge trapped food particles.
As great as these foods are, there is much more to healthy teeth and gums than loading up on celery, cheese and water! If it is time for your regular dental exemination and cleaning, or if you have any questions at all about your dental health, we are here for you! Please give us a call at 386-736-7121!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
“She has her father’s gorgeous eyes!”
“He sings beautifully, just like his mother.”
“He’s so smart – must have gotten that from his Dad!”
“Just like her Mom – a natural athlete!”
We love to brag about our children, and it gives us extra
pleasure when we think they inherited their positive traits from us! But how about when they get something from us
that might not be so good?
According to a recent study performed at Rey Juan Carolos
University of Madrid, fear of the dentist may be associated with a similar fear
in their parents – especially the father!
“Children seem to mainly pay attention to the emotional
reactions of the fathers when deciding if situations at the dentist are
potentially stressful,” said study co-author Professor America
Lara-Sacido. They went on to discuss
that dental fear by either parent can set up their children for a lifetime of
difficulty at the dentist.
At DeLand Smiles, it is our goal to take dental fear out of
the equation and make your dental visit as easy as possible. Our modern techniques and caring approach
will provide you with the most pleasant dental experience imaginable. And if you have any worries at all, please
feel free to discuss them with us.
Here are some tips from The American Dental Association on
making your young child’s dental visit as easy as possible:
- Consider making a morning appointment when children tend to be rested & cooperative.
- Keep any anxiety or concerns you have to yourself. Children can pick-up on your emotions, so emphasize the positive.
- Never use a dental visit as a punishment or threat.
- Never bribe your child.
- Talk with your child about visiting the dentist.
And remember – if your child is anxious about a dental
visit, it may be because of you!! Please come in and discuss any dental issues
you may be having, and we will show you how modern dentistry is more
comfortable than ever – and maybe even fun!
To make an appointment for any member of the family or to
discuss your dental needs, please call us today at 386-736-7121. At DeLand Smiles, your comfort is our primary
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Ten Easy, Healthy, Fun New Year’s Resolutions That You Can Actually Do!!
At DeLand Smiles, we love New Year’s Resolutions. After all, the new year is a great time to
start fresh with some good habits.
But the problem with New Year’s Resolutions is that they are
usually broken way before Groundhog Day.
Why? We simply make them too
difficult. So 2013 may not be the year you
lose 220 pounds, visit the gym six times per week, eat kale shakes for
breakfast every morning, write the Great American Novel and train a world class
Portuguese Water Dog...but it very well may be the year you start some healthy
habits that last the rest of your longer, healthier life!
Here are a few suggestions:
1) Walk, Don’t Run! If you’re the type that can train for a local
10K race, that’s great. But if it’s not
your thing, you can still benefit from more walking. Here’s a simple way to make it happen. Whenever you are faced with a situation to
use an elevator or escalator, make it your personal rule that if it is one
flight up or two flights down, you’ll take the steps. It’s easy!
2) Don’t cruise the lot! Instead of spending your time looking for a “great”
parking space, park a little farther away intentionally. You’ll not only get in a few extra steps
(which will amount to a few miles soon!) – your car will get less dinged up!
3) Know Your Numbers! Make sure that you get an annual physical
which includes a blood test. Knowing
your cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and other vital statistics, and then
taking the proper measures recommended by your physician will automatically put
you in the top half of healthy Americans!
4) Test Yourself! It has been proven that knowing how to do a
breast or testicular self-exam can save your life. (If you’re not sure which one to do, your
problem is a bit more complicated.) Ask
your health practitioner how to do it, or even check out a video on You Tube!
5) Drop The Diet! No – not the healthy eating pattern – the diet
soda!! It contains all kinds of chemicals and many people theorize it actually
makes you hungrier. There is simply
nothing good about diet soda. Switch to
water, unsweetened tea with lemon, or even black coffee in moderation.
6) Speaking Of Soda…One of the simplest
things anyone can do to become immediately healthier is to go cold turkey on
sodas and sports drinks. They are loaded
with sugar and are simply unnecessary.
If all you do to change your diet is to drop these two things, pounds
can actually melt off quickly and never come back!
7) Think Positively! It may sound trite, but if you believe good
thins are going to happen, they probably will.
Seeing the worst in every situation simply stresses you out and causes
you to react negatively. Those who think
happy usually are!
8) Do What Scares You! Pick one thing that you have been afraid to
do, and commit to it. Put it on your
calendar. Tell your friends or family
members that you are going to do it.
Then do it! It could be a polar
bear plunge, skydiving, a trip to Europe,
quitting your job, reuniting with an old friend you had a fight with – it doesn’t
matter! Pick one thing, put it on your
calendar, and do it! Then do another…
9) Appreciate What You Have and Don’t Envy
Others. Enough said! Pull this one off successfully and your
entire life will change!
10) FLOSS!!
The benefits of healthy gums are numerous, including fresher breath, a
lifetime of teeth, reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes, and many
more. It’s simple to do and takes just
one minute per day, yet practically no one does it! If you’re not sure how to floss properly, we
would love to show you! Even if you feel
you are not coordinated enough, we can show you some inexpensive gadgets that
will help. Make 2013 the year of the
So there you have it – ten simple healthy New Year’s tips
that anyone can do!! Feel free to add your own.
And since dental health and a beautiful smile are also on your list, don’t
forget that we are here for you! If you
have any questions or need to make any appointment, simply give us a call at
(386) 736-7121. Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Here’s Something To Be Thankful For!!
According to a recent study done by The
American Dental Association, the feature that others find most attractive is
not our hair, eyes, or body – it’s our smile!!
So don’t worry about trying to compete
with the latest supermodel or those impossible-to-beat images we see on every
billboard and magazine ad. Just flash
your pearly whites & smile!
But there’s more to it than that. Anti-aging expert, Dr. Mark Stibich, has come
up with some fantastic reasons to smile.
Here are just a few of them.
Smiling Changes Our Mood
Next time you are feeling down, try
putting on a smile. Smiling can trick
the body into helping you change your mood for the better.
Smiling Is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up
the room & make things happier.
Smile lots & you will draw people to you.
Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our
faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from
looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed.
When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced & you’ll be
better able to take action.
Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work
better. When you smile, immune function
improves, possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural
Pain Killers & Serotonin
Studies have shown that smiling releases
endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin, making us feel great. Smiling is a natural drug.
Smiling Lifts the Face & Makes You
Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the
face, making a person appear younger. Don’t
go for a face-lift, just try smiling your way through the day – you’ll look
younger & feel better!
There is no doubt about it – smiling is
something we should be extremely thankful for.
At DeLand Smiles, it is our mission to give our patients something to
smile about!
If you’re not happy with your smile, call
us right away at 386-736-7121. We would
love to help!!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Eight Benefits of Tooth Brushing – That Have Nothing To Do With Your Teeth!!
We are all aware
that brushing your teeth on a regular basis prevents cavities and keeps you
smiling. But there are many other surprising benefits, including these eight
that don’t have to do with your teeth!
1. According to a study published in The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, participants who
did not brush on a regular basis had a 65 percent greater chance of developing
dementia compared to those who did brush. So don’t forget to brush!!
2. A study in The
American Journal of Medicine found that regular brushing decreases the
chance of stroke! Wow - two very serious diseases can be curtailed with good
oral hygiene. And the list goes on…..
3. As any dentist, hygienist or physician can tell you,
regular brushing (and flossing) helps to prevent gum disease. But you may not
know that along with causing stinky breath and unattractive smiles, gum disease
is a major indicator of heart disease and the number one cause of tooth loss in
4. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology has shown that increased brushing
decreases the risk of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and COPD. Why?
Bacteria which form on the teeth make their way into the lungs and respiratory
tract, wreaking havoc along the way.
5. Dental researcher Dr. Caitia Gazola has shown that
having healthy teeth and gums increases the chances of having healthy babies,
while dental disease can cause underweight pre-term babies. And men – you
aren’t off the hook! We strongly suspect that not brushing your teeth regularly
can exclude you from the whole pregnancy process!
6. Prevention magazine has reported that regular brushing can help
you maintain a healthy weight! Why? Brushing your teeth indicates to your brain
that mealtime is over. Plus – food just doesn’t taste as good with squeaky
clean teeth!
7. Okay guys – here’s your turn. Several studies have
shown that men with poor oral hygiene are at greater risk for erectile
dysfunction. Scared yet???
8. Have a heart – a healthy one that is! The American Journal of Medicine has
linked dental health with heart attack risk.
So if clean teeth,
fresh breath, a beautiful smile and fewer cavities aren’t enough, here are
eight reasons why brushing your teeth on a regular basis can save your life!
Plus let’s face it – going around with a big piece of tomato stuck between your
chompers in not the most attractive look in the world!
Just as important
as brushing your teeth is doing it correctly. And if you are not getting
regular dental cleanings, your efforts aren’t nearly as effective.
At DeLand Smiles, we
care about your dental health and your medical health too!! If you have any
questions or need to make an appointment, please call us right away at (386)
736-7121. We are here to help you!!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Do You Brush Your Teeth Correctly/
Almost everybody brushes their teeth, but
only one in ten people are doing it effectively!
To that, we have to say a great big
“YUCK!!” Imagine if only ten percent of the population showered correctly. That
would be pretty gross. But according to researchers at The University of Gothenburg,
ninety percent of the population does not brush their teeth in the right way!
Don’t worry!! Your friends at DeLand Smiles are
here to help you. So sit back and open wide as we present….
The Top Eight Toothbrushing Tips!
Size Matters!
Many people use a large toothbrush head
thinking “the bigger the better.” But you can brush just as effectively if not
more so with a smaller brush, especially if you have to strain your mouth to
use a larger one.
According to dental consumer advisor Dr.
Richard Price, "the more comfortable it is in your mouth and your hand,
then the more likely you will use it and use it properly."
It’s Good To Be A Softy!
It would seem to make sense that firmer
bristles would clean your teeth better, but many times they just wind up
damaging your sensitive gum tissue. The American Dental Association recommends
a soft-bristled brush and we agree!
Don’t Do A Rush Job!
While most people spend fifteen seconds
or so per round of brushing, a full two minutes is best. And to make sure you
don’t play favorites, divide your mouth into four sections (upper right, lower
right, etc..) and spend thirty seconds on each.
Some electric toothbrushes actually have
timers, but you don’t need to be so fancy. Find a thirty second song and sing
it to yourself for each mouth quarter. Or multitask by watching TV until the
full two minutes is up.
Your Angle?
While we typically picture toothbrushing
to be a horizontal affair, that leaves out many important tooth surfaces,
including the crucial area where the tooth meets the gum line. Aim your bristles
at a forty-five degree angle and make sure they gently dip below the outer
surface of your gums. This can get very tricky, and we recommend that you have
one of the fantastic members of our dental hygiene team give you a full
It’s An Inside Job!
The inner surfaces of the teeth are often
overlooked, but just because they hide from daylight doesn’t mean you should
neglect them! Take the time to brush all tooth surfaces, inside and out. Oh –
don’t forget your tongue either!
After you brush, loose bacteria are
floating around in your mouth having a big old party. It’s time to finish them
up with a rinse of mouthwash or even water. They’re on your toothbrush too, so
it’s always a good idea to run that under the sink for a few seconds when you
Forced Retirement
Many people get nostalgic over their old
toothbrushes, but keeping them for too long is a big mistake!! Frayed bristles
can’t clean correctly, and even worse – they harbor all kinds of nasty germs.
The American Dental Association suggests changing your toothbrush every three
to four months – but we think that may even be too long of an interval for
many. When in doubt – toss it out!
And There’s One More Thing…..
Even though we are discussing
toothbrushing, it just wouldn’t be complete without mentioning those tooth
surfaces between your teeth – the ones that can’t be reached with a brush. Yes,
that’s right – we all need to floss!! Daily flossing prevents cavities and
helps to keep your gums in good shape.
At DeLand Smiles, we want you to have
strong healthy teeth and gums, fresh breath and a beautiful smile!! Please call
us now at 386-736-7121 to schedule an appointment, or to ask any questions
about keeping your teeth and gums nice and clean! We are here for you!
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