In recent history, we heard much about the 33 Chilean miners and their 66 day ordeal trapped inside the earth…from heroic measures by their team leader to an outed affair upon rescue, we certainly know more about these miners than they ever dreamed. Many have been offered movie deals, book deals, and many other tell-all deals for their stories from beneath the earth’s surface. These miners will have to get used to the limelight, seeing they’ve now adjusted to the sunlight.
So much focus was put on the Chilean miners that one miner in particular almost went unnoticed. This miner, named Stephen Hirst, was not a Chilean miner, but a 47yr old ex-miner that had spent the last 33yrs living w/ excruciating pain in his ear & constant ear infections. Mr. Hirst had been to several doctors over the 33yrs, but no one was able to diagnose his problem or help ease the pain. Mr. Hirst continued to seek help & finally found it from the Doctors at the
“The nurse put a suction tube in my ear and cleaned it, then (tried) a microscope probe,” Hirst said. “Finally, she used some tweezers and got it out.” So what was “it”? A TOOTH! To this day, no one knows why it was not found sooner, but Mr. Hirst says his ear pain is now gone for the first time since he was a teenager and theorizes that the tooth became lodged during one of his childhood accidents.
Although now deaf in one ear, due to years of constant ear infections & pain, Mr. Hirst is grateful he listened to the still-small voice of perseverance.