A Sniff Test is something you can perform on your own, in the privacy of your own home. All you have to do is floss your teeth, then sniff your floss. Yes, I said, Sniff Your Floss! If your floss doesn’t have an odor, then you fall into the healthy category of people who brush & floss daily, reducing oral bacteria. This category of people can use supplemental, over-the-counter breath freshening items more effectively in their oral hygiene regimen & can mostly likely, expect kissable, fresh breath. If your floss has an odor, you fall into the unhealthy category of people & it is important that you continue reading.
The main cause of bad breath is bacteria. We have thousands of bacteria living in our mouth that are both good & bad. The job of bacteria is to help neutralize pH & foster a healthy environment by breaking down (eating) anything that doesn’t belong. Bacteria feed on left-over food particles on/around your teeth, gums & tongue…and, like people, what goes in, must come out…resulting in the release of volatile sulfuric compounds (VSC’s). VSC’s are not only smelly (like passing gas), but are also acidic and toxic, causing damage to your teeth and gums.
For those who brush, floss & clean their tongue on a daily basis, they are removing left-over food particles & bacteria. Therefore, they are minimizing the number of bacteria that produce smelly VSC’s that cause bad breath. If brushing, flossing & cleaning the tongue is not done on a daily basis, bacteria begin to multiply at an exponential rate, causing bad breath to get worse & irreversible damage to your teeth & gums. At a certain point, a toothbrush & floss can no longer reach the places bacteria is hiding & you must seek help from a dental professional.
For now, understand that the easiest way to eliminate bad breath is to reduce the amount of oral bacteria by brushing, flossing & cleaning your tongue on a daily basis. If bad breath continues, contact a medical or dental professional, as other problems may be the cause.
If you are looking for fresh breath this Valentine’s Day, you should start with a Sniff Test. The greatest gift is the gift of good health…and remember, good health begins with good oral hygiene (daily brushing, flossing & tongue cleaning.) What’s a better Valentine’s Day present than that?
(Next week we will discuss the 10 leading causes of bad breath & how to eliminate them, so stay tuned…)