Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Heart to Heart


This time of year, many people are giving their hearts to someone else—no, there’s not an organ donor convention in town, but the symbolism of unconditional love is in the air.  Emotions are heightened with each chocolate savored, each flower received & each jewelry box opened.  We prepare our hearts for one day out of the year, but is our heart ready for the other 364 days?

Relationships aside, the heart is a pretty amazing organ.  It sustains our life, all while keeping constant rhythm.  To many, this is taken for granted and goes unnoticed, but to those with heart disease or a heart defect, they are fully aware of its lifeline of importance.

This week honors many holidays that revolve around the heart… Valentine’s Day, Women’s Heart Day, World Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day & Have a Heart Day—this one is of particular importance because it focuses on being more aware of your food choices. 

We know that heart disease claims more lives than most--On average, one American dies of heart disease every 35 seconds!  So, let’s consider 5 heart-healthy tips you can implement immediately to decrease your risk of heart disease & ensure your heart is ready for another year.

Tip #1:  Floss Daily – The bacterial that causes plaque in your heart arteries is the same bacteria that causes plaque around your teeth.  Flossing breaks up the bacterial colonies so they don’t multiply as fast & helps to decrease the inflammation in both your gums & your heart. 

Tip #2:  See Your Dentist – Regular dental visits (at least twice a year) provide you with an ability to catch things early.  The visits not only include cleanings that use special instruments to decrease bacteria, but exams for oral cancer, and screenings for both tooth & gum health-- to help prevent tooth loss.  (Studies have shown that people who keep their teeth live an average of 7-10yrs longer).

Tip #3:  Create Good Eating Habits – “You are what you eat” truly applies.  If you eat foods that are mostly healthy, then you will be mostly healthy…and this rule applies to anything you consume.  (And No, if you eat a lot of sugar, it doesn’t make you sweeter!)  Talk to your doctor about revising your eating habits and create a plan that best suites you.

Tip #4:  Exercise – Organs are muscles, and the heart is no exception.  Like muscles, the only way it becomes stronger is via exercise.  Remember - everything in moderation and nothing without consulting your doctor first.  If a sports activity is of interest, consult your dental provider to see what type of mouthguard would be best.  Mouthguards not only protect teeth from injury, but can now be made to improve your strength & performance as well.

Tip #5:  Rest – For our organs to grow & function properly, we must obtain an adequate amount of rest.  For most, this amount is quantified as ~8hrs each day (ideally at night).  Rest should not only come in a physical form, but emotional & spiritual as well.  To renew ourselves as a whole, it is recommended we sleep for our physical well-being, relax for our emotional well-being & renew our spirit with a meditational, motivational, or devotional activity. 

So don’t wait …implement the 5 heart-healthy tips above and let the next 364 days be a journey of love…for yourself.. 

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