Monday, July 19, 2010

Dentistry - Key Identifier in Cancer Treatment Success

Picture any visit to the doctor resulting in a converstation about the need for cancer treatment. A myriad of questions begin to form, with the primary one asking, "what do I do now?" If this ever happens to you in the future, there are two key healthcare professionals that must immediately become your best friends...your oncologist & your dentist. Your oncologist, for obvious reasons, and your dentist to help prevent serious problems.

Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are used to kill cancer cells. But these treatments also harm and/or kill normal cells as well. Some of the side effects cause serious problems in the mouth--some serious enough to delay or stop treatment. Some of these side effects include: Dry mouth, Increase in cavities, Loss of taste, Sore gums, Increased infections, Jaw stiffness & bone changes. Because the side effects often happen when a person's mouth is not healthy, it is recommended that you see a dental professional at least 2 weeks prior to undergoing any form of radiation or chemotherapy treatment.

If you don't have a dentist, ask your oncologist for a recommendation. If you do have a dentist, contact the office to schedule a quick exam and consultation. At this visit, the dentist will check your teeth, take any necessary xrays, and show you how to care for your mouth during your treatment. Make sure the dentist can contact your oncologist for questions regarding your cancer treatment. They may also want to confer regarding any dental treatments you may need prior to starting any cancer treatment.

One of the keys to cancer treatment success is looking at your mouth on a daily basis, keeping it moist with lots of water, saliva substitutes, or sugarless candies/gum, brushing & flossing daily and contacting your dentist about any mouth problems that may occur during or after cancer treatment.

Regardless of where the cancer is located in the body, your dentist is a key part of your cancer treatment success team.

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