Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Dish Best Served Cold

Fortunately, I'm not talking about revenge...but I am referencing the coveted all-american treat of ice cream, in honor of National Ice Cream Month! This crazy commemoration was created for us by Ronald Reagan back in 1984--(you just can't beat a president with a great sense of humor....and sweet tooth!) Like many others, I assume he probably topped his favorite flavor with, you guessed it, jelly beans. Apparently jelly beans brought him much intuition & wisdom, for he once said, "You can tell a lot about a fellow's characher by the way he eats jelly beans." (He noticed some would eat only one color, while others would eat many flavors at once.) Well, I am here to tell you that you can also tell a lot about a person's teeth by the way he/she eats jelly beans (and other candy as well).

Ever experience a burning sensation in your gums or in between teeth when eating something sweet like candy? Ever experience pain or sensitivity when eating something cold like ice cream? These symptoms are indicative that there is something unhealthy about the tooth/teeth. Depending upon the severity of the pain or sensitivity, the treatment is usually something small, common & routine, such as a filling. Recognizing these symptoms early and seeing a dental professional for treatment will eliminate the pain/sensitivity, restore the teeth back to health & help ensure you don't have any suddent toothache-style interruptions to your summer. Just remember...teeth that need treatment get worse over time, which means the treatments become bigger..as does the price.

Enjoy the hot summer days with a cold beverage, a popsicle or a cold bowl of ice cream. And if you experience any pain or sensitivity when you do, contact a dental professional. The summer's long from over, so ensure you can enjoy the rest of it with a pain-free healthy mouth.

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